The world is so filled with falseness. It's no longer a fashion statement but it has become an addiction; at least for some. No one is happy with who the are. No one is fulfilled within themselves anymore. What makes me even sadder about all this is the ones that are speaking out, are not being listened too. Then the ones who should say something is quiet as field Mice. I know that is one of the reasons I enjoyed writing Worth It.
In Worth It you find a young lady struggling with wanting her mothers love, needing her sisters guidance , and desiring to be loved for who she is. Along with all the drama and crazy shit, that lies within. Shantanique and Rain stayed true to themselves above all else. Their friendship was more of a sistership the anything. Knowing this made it so easy to write their banter. I enjoy their sisterhood and believe that there are other women who know what it's like to have a real friend. That one or two who value you like you value or should do yourself. These are the ones who help you to grow past the weeds so that the rose that you are can shine forth.
That is why I can't take the fake-ness any more. It is getting ridiculous and the last thing anyone needs is someone not uplifting them and not challenging them to love themselves. I SEE you I See Value in you To me you are Worth it. Go on Be awesome Great Stupendous and don't forget to take someone along. These are the things that I wish people would hear instead of the blaring insignificant sounds of destroying words that say. Your are not good enough get bigger breast, you are not talented enough go on steroids. You are not pretty enough get liposuction and butt implants. This needs to stop.
So here are my words to you: Love You Value You find yourself worthwhile and awesome and when all else seems false know that you are Precious to someone because you are Precious to me.