Sunday, May 31, 2015

Found on Google

I am google-able people.... So Look me up. my beautiful works of literary art are available for you to find. Just type in the search bar Precious Tea Author and there I am. I am so happy but this is only the beginning. But guess what I still need you. All of you bloggers, writers, readers, editors and reviewers we are each others greatest support or at least we can be. I will read, review and support as many as I can but I first have to meet you. So come on and get your bid in. Let this be the start of a beautiful relationship.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Online Me

Hey everyone!! It's me again. I know right, so soon. Well anyway, Welcome to my attempt at letting you get to know me a little better. As for some, you just might remember me from back in the day.  When I first started Blogging, I was on this wonderful website called Myspace, where my name was Pandorasenchantment.  But as time wore on I moved on to new and better sites, such as Shout out to my Moco Blog Fam!!!! There I am the steamy Erotictry writer TTDWJ. Erotictry stands for erotic poetry for you folks new to the game. And finally my journey has brought me here on Facebook where I am your Urban and Erotica Novelist, Precious Tea. If you are on Facebook, come drop by, and like my Page There you will get to talk with me and get information About "Worth It" and "Worth It Too", as well as other Titles written by me including my Free Erotic Novella Birthday Shoes available on So that is the Online me,in all my Glory. Love me, leave me or need me, either way it goes know that it will all be Worth It.....

Hello from Me, Precious Tea

So I am trying this site out getting a feel for how this will help me promote my Novels and my Poetry. I really want to create a fan base of great readers and writers who are supportive and encouraging. If this is you Then add me and let's see what marvelous fun we can have together...