I want to hear from you. The person who is reading this right know. I want your comments, questions, ideas and yes even your criticism. I desire your honesty. Now I know you can be an ass. Anyone can be an ass. But it takes a special person to put aside their natural asshoe-ness and give someone their real true honest no chaser opinion.
I need you. yes you. To help me be a better me. Not that the me you get is not great and Awesome but there is always more that can better. And everyday I am seeking to be better Precious Tea.
Who is Precious Tea well I will tell you. I am a poet and a writer, an indie author and promoter. I'm a auntie, a sister, a friend, I am the big girl who could dance and act in high school. I am Tiffany T Williams in my everyday. ttdwj on mocospace. and Precious Tea to the rest of the world. I am determined, talented, and full of hope. As I stated yesterday I believe in me. I will hold fast to this thing that I am pushing to be.
So why do I need you? Because I am a storyteller. I just don't want to spout out my stories to the brick walls anymore. I need to share my stories, tell my stories and even let my stories give life to other stories. Come sit at my campfire and let me weave you a story. That's why you are so important.
So come share with me. Don't be shy. I open myself up for you to say what every it is that you feel I need to hear. Feel free to go to my youtube page or even my like page. I can't wait.
Remember as always You are Precious to someone because you are Precious to me.
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