So I read something that hurt my feelings. Kindle is going to start paying Authors by how much people read. Not only that but they can monitor how much you read and know when you're reading. I realize that it is only for kindle select but what is to keep them from doing it across the board. As an author who now has 1 paperback and 2 eNovellas I was livid. How dare they publishers do not pay writers for how much a paper back cost. If a reader pays for the the book the author should get paid for the book. I get that you are capable of opting out of Kindle Select yet that is not the point. Once again you are taking something that people have found as a way to express themselves and not worry about the constant rejection of the ton and decided to capitalize on it. So that now you can budget out the pay to the lowly artist because you feel like you are not getting as much as you put in.
Writing is suppose to be an art form, not a means to once again exploit the creativity of the artist. Is there such little respect for the Indie Artist? Why open the door to such blatant talent abuse. You sit there and tell the writer that they can give up 90 days of exclusive rights to their art (leaving them unable to publish elsewhere) at a time to be apart of your 'special select'. Boasting of higher royalties and more exposure. Then when you have to adhere to the policy that you sat forth, you want to curtail it to fit the fact that you are paying out 'too' money. The reasoning being to 'encourage authors to write more lengthy books' and 'to make sure that those who write more get paid more. while does who write less get paid less. Here's an Idea... ONLY let them charge for the length of the book. If the novel is only 30 pages let them only charge 3.99 for the piece. Lets see that works out to around $0.13 a page look at that WOW. This is once again Capitalism at it's worse. Unfortunately that is not their biggest transgression here.
What... people can't read in private anymore? Has this really become the norm when a company can have the technology to see what you are reading, how much reading you are doing and the time in which you are doing it? Wait a minute this is legal? Wait, what, This is OK? Wait, can they now tell that I Like to read on the toilet? Why Kindle Why? I just don't get it you couldn't monitor you cash flow without that info? AND where did you get such technology? Next thing you know you will be tapping into a cameras watching our facial expressions while we read. After This What, who knows scanning our brain waves? Why does kindle have to be in my 'reading coochie' business. I know I am becoming ludicrous but really how much more of our privacy is being invaded by these companies in search of better ways to get our hard earn dollars. So that's what you do, destroy customer trust while screwing the lowly artist.
The sad thing about this is, they are going to get away with it. Why? because authors are not going to stop e-printing with them and readers are not going to boycott the system. Why? Because No ONE stands for anything anymore and people are technoholics. They are not going to stop using Kindle or pick up an actual bounded book paper or hard, why because it's to much like right. So people are going to continue to be exploited while others have some of their everyday intimate life invaded. I for one am glad I did not follow the money train. But I am hurt however by the fact that my kindle library is so full and I have not been able to read like I want; and Now I may never see them again. Because you are not invading my reading privacy. I may not me a conspiracist but with these kind of things going on, man I could be. Good buy poor Kindle for Windows 8 I knew thee NOT. watching me read my stuff... SHAME
Alright People if I said it once I'll say is some more.
You are Precious to someone For you are Precious To Me
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