Friday, November 13, 2015

The Truth

The world is so filled with falseness. It's no longer a fashion statement but it has become an addiction; at least for some. No one is happy with who the are. No one is fulfilled within themselves anymore. What makes me even sadder about all this is the ones that are speaking out, are not being listened too. Then the ones who should say something is quiet as field Mice.  I know that is one of the reasons I enjoyed writing Worth It.

In Worth It you find a young lady struggling with wanting her mothers love, needing her sisters guidance , and desiring to be loved for who she is. Along with all the drama and crazy shit, that lies within. Shantanique and Rain stayed true to themselves above all else. Their friendship was more of a sistership the anything. Knowing this made it so easy to write their banter.  I enjoy their sisterhood and believe that there are other women who know what it's like to have a real friend.  That one or two who value you like you value or should do yourself. These are the ones who help you to grow past the weeds so that the rose that you are can shine forth.

That is why I can't take the fake-ness any more. It is getting ridiculous and the last thing anyone needs is someone not uplifting them and not challenging them to love themselves. I SEE you I See Value in you To me you are Worth it. Go on Be awesome Great Stupendous and don't forget to take someone along.  These are the things that I wish people would hear instead of the blaring insignificant sounds of destroying words that say. Your are not good enough get bigger breast,  you are not talented enough go on steroids. You are not pretty enough get liposuction and butt implants. This needs to stop.

So here are my words to you: Love You Value You find yourself worthwhile and awesome and when all else seems false know that you are Precious to someone because you are Precious to me.

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Need to Succeed

     In side of everyone and this is solely based on my own belief is a desire to succeed at something. We all long to feel that feeling of accomplishment. I think its start the first time we receive praise for our efforts in something. We either crave the accolades of others or learn that it's our own opinions of ourselves that matter. Whichever way one goes we all search for some kind of success.

     So where do we go wrong? I think for me it was when I realized that  the things I wanted to succeed in were not for me or that I wasn't motivated enough to do it. I learned the hard way that one had to have a certain amount of self motivation in order to be successful. In my early years I believe I lacked this the most. I had drive that is what got me through the door but to stay, do, grow and develop myself; Yeah that was where motivation was suppose to kick in and it didn't.

     Many things can attribute to this lack of motivation. For me it was fear and hurt. Fear because I had already lost something that I felt was intricate in my future dream plans. Then the hurt from learning that I would be unable to accomplish the one thing I wanted above all else. Sucked any real motivation out of me. Did this mean that I stopped trying? No it meant that when I would, if an obstacle appeared it made it easier for me to give up. As I look back now with new insight and 20/20 hindsight. I realize that losing that motivation leaves your heart in an unyielding bind  and it blinds you to the good things. In a way it's like depression and for me it lead to a lot of self-loathing and sadness.

     Now almost 15 years later I hate that I allowed such things as fear and hurt to sap away my self-motivation. Because of this I am pushing Precious Tea Novels. I know my stories are not conventional and that the sexual content could make a nympho-porn star blush. That they deal with a lot of things that the world even now are scared to explore because its to close to the line of what is right and what is wrong. Yet I refuse to apologize for them. My writing is the only place I accept gray areas. It's the one place that Grace and Mercy are abundant without guilt. It's the one place where self-forgiveness for me and my mistakes flow with ease defeating self judgement and condemnation. (yes I'm that harsh on myself.)

     Precious Tea Novels is my redemption. It's the place where I am going to soar in my own eyes come hell or high water. It's the one of the area's that I refuse to accept defeat in. I will succeed and I know you are going to help me. Then Together we can accomplish the quote unquote Impossible. How?  We will be each others encouragement, accountability partners and support. We will believe in each others talents and gifts, never to fail to see the greatness in each other  and invest in the credible crazy dreams that we all have. So lets do it, Lets Succeed together. So As always people:

 You are Precious To Someone Because You are Precious To Me.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Posting for me

 So I have come to a decision I am only going to post about two to three times a week. Why, mainly for the reason of time. I spend to much time trying to gain readers for this when in all honesty I only started it in order to see if I could create a fan base. I honestly don't have the time to do this and completely commit myself to 'Worth It Too' and since my novel is the priority, that will have majority of my focus. Why am I sharing this with you? Because I fee like we have begun the start of something wonderful. 

     I know you can't comment (all my fault) But if you could I am quite sure you would tell me.  "Precious, Darling your presence will be sorely missed, so I am awfully glad that you decided to stay even if it's only a few times a week." To which my response is.... Yes yes kind people who have allowed me the few brisk moments into your everyday. The few glimpses into my mind that were scattered like graffiti for you to read, will only dwindle not disappear into the void of time. Nay, I say onto you, I in good conscious could not I leave you dear ones in such a state... I am too grateful for your graciousness to ever leave you without my wit and candor. You dear ma'am and Sir are stuck with me for a time." Then you would say "Hooray Hooray you will still give us you... Let us enjoy the encompassing mind of Precious Tea. To Which I would say "Oh no no you're too Kind." Then I'll wake up with a slap of reality and  just be happy that you all are reading my sugar honey ice T.

     In my humility I thank you all. So please continue to look forward to me and my world. I am doing everything within my ability to make my dreams come true. I am eternally glad that you decided to be a part of that. Please feel free to get at me on Facebook and or Twitter 
@   and 


Monday, July 6, 2015

Did You Know....... You're INVITED

YOU, yes you can win a $50 gift card from, 


Amazon or Visa....

You have already done the first part So Congratulations you all receive 2 raffle tickets just for being the first to Like the Precious Tea Novels Like page so kudos to you. For all others you will instantly receive 1 ticket for liking the page. Now here is the deal everyone who has a copy of These Precious Tea Novels, post a pic of you reading one. 

For *Worth it* in paperback and get 5 ticket 

*Worth it* in eBook form post a pic of you reading CHAPTER 20 and get 3 tickets

Post a Pic of you reading CHAPTER 6 of 'Birthday Shoes the Kink is Real' and get 2 tickets. 


For all you Instagram and Twitter heads, If you post a selfie of you out and about showing off ANY PRECIOUS TEA NOVELS BOOK or PAGE. including Amazon and Smashwords Author pages. With the hashtag#ILOVEPreciousTeaNovels You Instantly get place into a drawing to receive a SPECIAL GIFT from Precious Tea Herself. Just make sure to tag Precious Tea Novels in your photos. (Pics must be of you and one other person with a Precious Tea Novels book or cell phone with image of a Precious Tea Novels page. Only ten entries a person per day.Each post Must be of a different person to qualify)

Excited Right I know I am

RAFFLE ENDS on August 4,
So I think you need to mark your calendars or subscribed


If you have not gotten your books yet do not despair there is plenty of time. you can go to: :For a full list of all books

Or for those who want to get Worth It through Precious Tea Please contact me On Here Leave me a Message letting me know that you want to order It through me.

OK people the rest is in your hands...
Share this and Lets Make PreciousTeaNovelsGreat

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Blog Woes

Hey people I am once again disheartened over something. So as I was going over the rules and what not. Trying to figure out why my post are not being automatically shared I came across policy information stating that if you declare you blog as to having adult content they do not post them. NOR do they allow comments unless they person has a google account. I was like WHAT!!!!!

No look I put it as having Adult content only because of my Erotictry. I only post a few of those. But Now I wished I hadn't. How am I suppose to can readership and a fan base when I am being hindered. I am still writing Worth It Too I cannot spread out my time any more then I already do OR something doesn't get done.

My world is a very fine tune timed machine. I actuate time so that I can get everything i need done with the littlest amount of stress to my being. But this right here, This right here is ridiculous. What is the point is scheduling when it's not going to post. And what is the point in being a Writer when you have to be censored so much. Hell I censor myself enough. Cause I could have went with some of my more....... highly erotic pieces but I did not. 

I do not need anymore distraction to my already hectic world. I really need to evaluate if blogging right now is an addition or a hindrance I would ask you opinion but you can't comment so.....

Remember All YOU are Precious to someone For you are Precious to ME 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Kindle.... Kindle...... KINDLE Why

So I read something that hurt my feelings. Kindle is going to start paying Authors by how much people read. Not only that but they can monitor how much you read and know when you're reading. I realize that it is only for kindle select but what is to keep them from doing it across the board. As an author who now has 1 paperback and 2 eNovellas I was livid. How dare they publishers do not pay writers for how much a paper back cost. If a reader pays for the the book the author should get paid for the book. I get that you are capable of opting out of Kindle Select yet that is not the point. Once again you are taking something that people have found as a way to express themselves and not worry about the constant rejection of the ton and decided to capitalize on it. So that now you can budget out the pay to the lowly artist because you feel like you are not getting as much as you put in.

Writing is suppose to be an art form, not a means to once again exploit the creativity of the artist. Is there such little respect for the Indie Artist? Why open the door to such blatant talent abuse.  You sit there and tell the writer that they can give up 90 days of exclusive rights to their art (leaving them unable to publish elsewhere) at a time to be apart of your 'special select'.  Boasting of higher royalties and more exposure. Then when you have to adhere to the policy that you sat forth, you want to curtail it to fit the fact that you are paying out 'too' money. The reasoning being to 'encourage authors to write more lengthy books' and 'to make sure that those who write more get paid more. while does who write less get paid less. Here's an Idea... ONLY let them charge for the length of the book. If the novel is only 30 pages let them only charge 3.99 for the piece. Lets see that works out to around $0.13 a page look at that WOW. This is once again Capitalism at it's worse. Unfortunately that is not their biggest transgression here.

What... people can't read in private anymore? Has this really become the norm when a company can have the technology to see what you are reading, how much reading you are doing and the time in which you are doing it? Wait a minute this is legal? Wait, what, This is OK? Wait, can they now tell that I Like to read on the toilet?  Why Kindle Why? I just don't get it you couldn't monitor you cash flow without that info? AND where did you get such technology? Next thing you know you will be tapping into a cameras watching our facial expressions while we read.  After This What, who knows scanning our brain waves? Why does kindle have to be in my 'reading coochie' business. I know I am becoming ludicrous but really how much more of our privacy is being invaded by these companies in search of better ways to get our hard earn dollars. So that's what you do, destroy customer trust while screwing the lowly artist.

The sad thing about this is, they are going to get away with it. Why? because authors are not going to stop e-printing with them and readers are not going to boycott the system. Why? Because No ONE stands for anything anymore and people are technoholics. They are not going to stop using Kindle or pick up an actual bounded book paper or hard, why because it's to much like right. So people are going to continue to be exploited while others have some of their everyday intimate life invaded. I for one am glad I did not follow the money train. But I am hurt however by the fact that my kindle library is so full and I have not been able to read like I want; and Now I may never see them again. Because you are not invading my reading privacy. I may not me a conspiracist but with these kind of things going on, man I could be. Good buy poor Kindle for Windows 8 I knew thee NOT. watching me read my stuff... SHAME

Alright People if I said it once I'll say is some more.

You are Precious to someone For you are Precious To Me

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Rest....Still Learning

No matter how many times a lesson gets taught sometimes you have to relearn it again. I am learning how to rest... again. Rest is not sleep although you can rest while sleeping; No rest is a quieting of the mind and body. Allowing for energy, brain chemicals and burnt out cells, to balance, rejuvenate, replenish and restore. Without it the body and mind can be easily attacked by viruses, become sore, unable to concentrate or even become blocked making it bad for business.

This is how I found myself these past few days. I did not have any energy to type at all and before I will give you something that just flies out my ass silence is what you will see. You all are to important to me to just randomly blog about nonsensical things. So as I tried (to little avail mind you) to rest I kept coming to the computer to type something but words failed me. Now I don't mind telling you I was still a busy soul although Birthday Shoes 2 The Kink Is Real was published (and still awaiting your purchase) I'm in the process of defining the rules for a raffle to advertise my book and Like Page. Which is slated to begin on the 4th. Not to mention still writing Worth It Too. With all these goings on I Need Rest.

When you are rested there is a change in your attitude. You smile more and become a little bit more easier to deal with. At least I hope you do. LOL I know that for me when I am not properly rested I become grumpy and irritated which makes no one around me happy. The sad part about it I know better. I really, really do. I just have so much to do in order to make my dreams come true and the help I have is not enough. Which means 'I be' a one woman band sometimes and tooting my own horn gets very tiring. So here I am tired and drained wondering why I can't concentrate, why every time I start to write a blog I looked at the page with disdain and slight horror. Suddenly like a bolt of lightning it hit me. No, not revelation... sleep. Exhausted, passing out, type sleep. Were I did not wake u til 10hr later. Resulting in a headache/migraine and pain in my back, arms, and legs.

I knew better. I had learned this lesson before. And yet here I am learning it again. You can not help that your life is busy, nor can you ignore that your days be hectic but I am proof that you have to let your self rest or you will crash and crash hard. So people between going to Facebook and liking my page, reading one of my novels and living your everyday. Please take out some time for you to relax and rest.  I know that next time I will .

Ok All Remember You are Precious to someone for You Are Precious To Me

Friday, June 26, 2015

Stuck .......Into the Light

Have you ever noticed how life never stops. Especially when something traumatic happens and you wish that life would just slow down but it doesn't. Time moves on just like it was made to. Minutes turn into Hours, Hours into Days, Days become weeks and so on and so forth. within theses measurement of time things grow and learn. As others gain knowledge and understanding then move on never to grace our lives again. We are drifting within the pain or lost of whatever left us damaged wishing that time would slow down and that life would stop. Giving us time to rectify the issues and break out of the stupor of drama that has glazed over our lives. Only to realize that life does not care about our hurts and we are then left stuck.

I kept saying we because I too was in this state.  Aimlessly wondering about life waiting for something to come crashing through the haze of self-loathing and doubt that shrouded me in its clutches. Lending me nothing but the assurance that while I was laid out drowning in pain's sea of despair. Life indeed was moving growing and becoming new without me. I was a stuck mess. And that is not to say I did not have people to care about my hurt anguish and pain. Far from it, I had the best people caring form me and loving me through. But it doesn't matter when you are the one not caring about your own pain. When I say I was stuck, man I was Stuck.

But just like any fairytale I was awaken by a kiss. Not from a man Mind you but a Kiss of self love and purpose. I stepped my foot upon a rock and got out of the miry clay and has been fighting my way into the light ever since. That is way I am constantly pushing myself into your consciousness seeking nothing more then You partnership in building Precious Tea Novels into a great name. I desire to be a source of entertainment and light for years to come. But I need supports, fans, investors. I seek to be your diamond in the rough. Your gemstone among fakes. The Queen in you full Monty. I could do this all day LOL. Yet within my silliness is a measure of honesty and truth that I hope you reading this will hold on to.

If you right now are stuck I give you these words. Shake yourself. Open your eyes do   not become discouraged by the fact that life has moved on without you. The real truth of it all it's suppose to. Time is not here for use instead we are here because of it. If time did not move we would stay forever stuck never to grow, learn, change then move. Life as we know it would not exist. So because of the ever moving of time, You still have time. You have time to become your heart's desire. (As long a it's beneficial and not harmful). So Pursue that long lost dream. you can get unstuck and Move into the light.

Ok Guys Have a great day. Always remember.....

You are Precious to someone for you are Precious To Me      

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Purposed......... Being in My Zone

     There are so many things that one can do with their lives as technology grow and sickness continue. While life as we know it grows, transforms and starts anew. One question has burned fresh in the hearts of those who seek it diligently and even those who run and hide or deny that it exists. Purpose that sometimes elusive feeling of peace or knowledge that at this moment, in this place I am doing exactly what I am suppose to be doing. Be it small or be it large I am in my zone.

     Finding purpose is at times very hard. For in the midst of searching one has to live life.  I am honest in my experience Life can kick your ass and unless your purpose is the be the heavy bag for life to kick and punch at, its hard to feel any peace. Yet when you find it I can say that it is the most awesome feeling. I have felt this in many ways over the years and I can tell you that once you feel it, once you know it you will always want to have it.

     I can remember my first few taste of it. I was about 10 or 11y/d and my cousins and I were bored so I decided (as the oldest girl) that we should play school. I was the Teacher (of Course) and they my little pupil. I can see myself standing in front of them writing on the chalk board giving knowledge just like my teachers gave me. Yes it felt it then, had no Idea what it was but I can say that I felt it. However that wasn't my first time I was about 7 when I got my first hint of the wonders of purpose.

     My family are music lovers so at any given time of the day you can hear music playing loudly. It was even said you could hear my grandmothers turntable system from a block away. This one particular day family flooded my gran's house (which was a normality) the card table was taken out, food was purchased and us kids was sent out to find what ever entertainment or adventure we could find. (That didn't lead us to danger) I was a different kid most would say that I was a grown woman in an baby's body,  (Coincidentally the say the same thing now only in reverse LOL) regardless of the reasoning I stayed around the adults. Now I was a singing and dancing child, (I still am) I would preform at the drop of a hat. In the comfort of my bed room where I thought no one would hear me. Yet I decided that I was about to have my debut. I sung my little 7 year old heart out to the Dramatics "Give a Toast To the Fool. Yup I felt it then too.

   It has been a long time since I have felt this level of purpose. That all consuming this can change your life type feeling. And I am running with it this time. I need my life to change for the better. That's why I am seeking help from so many.  If you knew that you could help someone fulfill their purpose would you? If you knew that you were able to add to persons life and dreams would you? Sometimes one has to be in  a position to help; but other times the help that is needed is simple and focused, easily done with just a click of the mouse on a like page. Or just as quick as taking a selfie.  I'm in my Zone people. I am poised and ready to move to my chosen destiny. I am Purposed to be this Indie Author. My hope is that you will soon partner with me and then we can do this together.

So Remember You are Precious to someone cause You are Precious To Me


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Its LIVE people

Your wait is now over, I know it was hard but you can understand you can't rush a good Novella...........

So Here it IS
Click Here for Amazon
It is Available ON..........
Android, iPhone, Kindle, Nook, your Desk top, Lap top, PC, Mac anything else you want it ON.   Just Click on the Pic to go to
For Other Just Click Here  

Happy Reading everyone

Always Remember You are Precious to someone cause You Are Precious to Me.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Freeing Me...... A poem Before Birthday Shoes Hit

I am letting go y'all
like a bird's first flight
I'm about to feel my wings
catch air then give me lift

I'm bout to dance y'all
let me feet tap out
my joy and my deliverance
twirling away my troubles

I'm going to Sing y'all
loud and proud my voice
will go shielding light
giving peace, revealing sight

I am crying now y'all
over my lost hope, lost dreams
my past guilt and hurts
letting them Flow

I'm gonna have rest y'all
like laying down my burdans
leaving all my troubles
letting myself be easy

I am dreaming y'all
giving my shine
passing out my stars
glittering like gold

I'm getting Free Y'all
so many... So Many
Tears, Fears, Pain
Shame, hurt, lost
So Many Many

But I am Freeing Me
letting go, dreamin
Singing, Dancing
Resting Crying Now

No more holding me down
Done got tired of the mess
around... So Guess What Y'all

I'm Loving Me some Me
Breaking Free being Free
Freeing Me.....

Copyright June2015

I don't think your are ready because you need to be Ready if you not...More shoes More Steamy Hot fun... Tomorrow is the drop.... Be ready to get yours.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Birthday and a Video.

Happy Birthday To Me Happy Birthday to Me. Yes its my day, but I have to share it with you so..... Lets Celebrate YEA

I profusely beg for forgiveness but it's not my fault YouTube deleted my video. Not only did I have to re-record it but I had to produce it all over again. Only for it to tell me it would not accept the video. So to make a long short I was able to finally get the video out today.   So with out further Ado  The 5th installment of ......

The Indie Author In Me.... Living OUT my DREAMS

Once Again Thank You I love you and Remember You are Precious to someone cause you're Precious to ME.

Follow me @PreciousTNovels
Like Me on Facebook @PreciousTeaNovels

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Give Me a Beat

I was feeling kind of free and cute today so that is what I decided to give you.  So enjoy and Don't forget that the Next installment of my Video blog 'The Indie Author In Me.... Living Out My Dreams is coming out today.  So see you then. You know I will be send you a Post Right LOL so Wait For it.


Let me woo you, soothe you
with my mellow
No high, just nice
looking right
body tight
Let me be your fantasy tonight

Let me enchant Thee, entrap Thee
Then we can go SWING
so sublime I'm like MINE
as I sip on CoCo-nutt Wine
embrace my thighs
Hold on Lock
Let me make the bed rock

Let me Move, See? Trust me
I know what Daddy Likes
spread like butter
Tasting like spirit
Winding like tide
flooding juices
Let me Let you In Me

Let me be Rhythm and you be Blues
Matched Well
Indeed I tell...... So...
Play me like "Damn that's my Song"
Put me on repeat
Lets go all night Long
Give Me A Beat
Yeah baby, ain't it sweet
 Copyright June2015

Follow me @PreciousTNovels
Like Me on Facebook @PreciousTeaNovels

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Building from the Ground......Living Out My Dream

The last four blogs were about bringing you into understanding of my YouTube channel.
The Next Video is schedule to come out tomorrow so I really hope to see you there and I hope to read your comments. Today I want to talk to you about being a vision builder.

     I remember the conversation of some of the people I've met in my life. Some of them use to dream about following their favorite band cross country. Others wanted to backpack through some foreign land. I admit my dreams were not as elaborate I guess you can chalk it up to my limited upbringing. But I say I dreamed of things that were within my ability to grasp. My many visions of being a Dancer (Which I almost did) becoming an entertainer (Which I became even if it was local) or even being a Teacher. (which I do in my everyday life) did not come true the way I seen it. I still have a few dreams I am waiting to come true. But for me my focus is on My Indie Author status.

    Right now I see a clear path to where I want to be and what I hope to accomplish. There is a fine line there for me, because they both incorporate the same end result. Which is I want to be successful. The process for this takes on many connotations. But one thing is clear, in order for any dream or vision to come true, one thing is needed; someone to believe in the vision or dream. Just that one thing can breathe life into any project, dream or vision. Just think of them as stockholders.

      That's exactly what I need more then ever is some vision builders/stockholders. I need individuals who will hope me to accomplish my goal of being successful. I know That I have written a blog similar to this yet this one goes to show you that garnishing support is not an easy task. Regardless of the lack of support I still have my family and my sisters I know I need more help But I'm following my dream of become an Author.

     Everyone has a dream, a goal, a vision and these things can be done on ones own but eventually someone is going to get in on the ground floor. Then watch as their investment blow up and become the next big thing. There are a lot of Indie Authors Just like me seeking the same thing I am seeking. People who will follow and support them on their Journey. Fans that start and continue to be loyal and supportive. Vision builders who will help them by utilizing their gifts and talents even their finances.  In order to help make sure that the vision that the Author has can come to pass. Then Readers and Critics that will be honest, open and caring about their opinion of the novel, book or strip. Readers are the back bone of any Author without them we are just writing for the fun of our craft.

     I am a storyteller but without someone to listen, my stories become unheard gibberish. I am asking for every Indie Artist out there if you are an Author, Musician, Painter, or anyone who is starting their own Independent Life Journey. Support Us. Go Like our Facebook like pages and our Group pages, Follow us on twitter. group us and circle us on Google+, Follow, subscribe, read and comment on our blogs. Go leave comments and reviews on our books and other media  Last but most importantly buy our books, our music, come into our shops and stores. come watch our performances, book signings and the like. BE OUR FANS help us to enrich your life even if but for the moment you use our wares. Help to build us from the ground you will not be disappointed. As Always Remember.................

You are Precious to someone because You are Precious to ME!   

Monday, June 15, 2015

Living Out My Dreams

Like I stated previously I am trying to get you guys caught up before the unveiling of my next video.  I'm hoping that between my videos and my blogging not only will it gain your support but we can become partners on my Indie Journey. So without further Ado I present video 4 of

The Indie Author in Me   Living Out my Dream

Don't forget to follow Me @PreciousTNovels
And come like my page

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Applause.............The Indie Author in Me

I can stand on stage much money to be made
Parade my beauty shapely booty
Prized for eyes not for hands
slipping past your mind
fantasy alive
thong clad clapping
ovation pants
do I get applause

Walking across
milestone earned
but years past
Now needing earnings
Attention life
find husband
need Wife
broken promise
Disgusting life
wanting fulfillment
Walking endless
do I get applause
 Loving Faith
Moving Mountains
pray meetings
busy hours
soul stirring
passing flyers
believing anything
falseness reigns
Laying hands
tray pass
shouting Praise
End of Days
do i get applause

Follow dream
Accomplished Things
Pride Love Vanity Self
just enough to come off soft
matching heart with will of steal
taking pleasure
in everything
broken not shatter
chipped but whole
Usable not tarnished
Surviving all, thriving real
smiling in tears
Fuck your applause 

Copyright June2015

Another Original fresh wrote, work of art, So I am continuing with showing you videos I am trying to catch you up Hopefully you are subscribing to them along with everything else you are subscribing to. Once again......................

 The Indie Author In Me ..... Living Out My Dreams video 3

Don't forget to follow Me @PreciousTNovels
And come like my page


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Legendary....................The Indie Author in Me

I got music playing, rushing through my head.
The beat tatting lyrical portions into my head.
So I'm spitting phrases like a chef doing 10 courses.
Go get your wine, champagne supplies
trying to make this cerebral banquet one of a Kind.
Why you acting like you can't understand
I'm going to make sure my name is written in the minds of man
Fame means Nothing and Money's not power
But if I'm cited both I know its just my hour
My birthright states that I am a Nature of Force
The wind and rain washed me while earth shaped as Fire purified me
 So I stand like an example of an unquenchable dream
I'm going to accomplished something cause I refuse to be anything
I got progress in stride.
Letting go of the Whys
Reaching cross the distant
Leaning towards Holy Wisdom
I can't turn back because I'm in my prime
I'm just trying to be legend within my time.
I'm sculpted by life reaching close to my dream
Yet I need you all to believe in me
As I move towards Legendary.

ttdwj as precioustea  copyright June 2015

OK, So that was just written, .... LOL

Just felt like writing but I am about to show you the second video from my YouTube Series so Without further ado I present...

The Indie Author in Me.......Living Out My Dream Video 2

Don't forget to follow Me @PreciousTNovels
And come like my page

Friday, June 12, 2015

The Indie Author In Me

     So I know that I have told you about the fact that I have a YouTube channel. On this channel I share with you all the experiences and challenges I am facing, as I travel this road to becoming an successful Indie Author.  I talk about my novel 'Worth It' the hows and the whys while discussing the ins and the out of trying to sell my book. So I have decided to show you my Vlogs. Now the timing of them are off. (Mainly because I did not have a computer and my sisters computer went down.) But the information is the same.   Ok some production stuff....

Opening Song 'Hello' by Karmin
produced by Cyberlink
viewed on

Now I Present......The Indie Author In Me....Living Out My Dream

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter PreciousTNovels
Come and like my Page...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Erotictry Why

     I get asked a lot why do I write erotica. Its amazing how people view sex and view  having a relationship with God. Now I have no qualms in telling anyone that I am saved. I love Jesus and I have a real relationship with God. I consider him to be my father and my best friend. Which is why people ask me all the time how can I write what I do. Well it's simple God made sex and everything he made he said it was good.

     Now in order to keep men from abusing and using sex to appease 'other gods' which made it a perversion; as well as to protect women from being used. Then you have the fact that men had all knowledge which meant we know all manner of evil. With all of this, God put a boundary on sex which is marriage. Then he said that the marriage bed is undefiled in all it's ways. As long as a man treats his wife like Jesus did the church and that woman remembers that her desire is to her husband.  They can have all the wonderful freaky fun they want to have. It was just not a means of procreating because if that was the only reason it would not feel so good. Then he placed simple respect related rules on it because people did not think sexual respect was needed.

     Now I know you might be saying that erotica is not always telling the story from a married couples point of few. Well this is where it gets honest. I am not claiming to be Holy. However, I am claiming to be a child... Guess what children makes mistakes, Children have to grow and learn, Children can imitate but can never be their parents. I am a child of God. I am just a daughter who just so happens to have the creator of the universe as a father. Which in turn means.... Sex is apart of life, It is used and abuse, consumed and over-exposed and any innocence attached to it is jaded and becoming so more and more as time goes on. Yet it is still the beautiful awesome gift from God that allows a man and a woman to express their love and desire plus be physically One with one another. I just so happen to celebrate that with my writing as well as be truthful to the reality we find ourselves in.  I make no mistakes in what I am saying, Sex is not suppose to be a taboo subject but it is also not suppose to be the center stage of everything nor a tool used to pray on the insecurities and weaknesses of the masses. Writing for me frees sex from the bondage that we have placed it in.  That's why it is poetic; the erotica I pen.

      I gave it the name Erotictry because it more then just porn written on paper. No, it's raw, honest, passionate, lyrical, powerful, deep, and Damn well Good.  I take what is reality's truth and give it the dignity that it lost through the many negligence of people recognizing it's beauty but refusing to give it the respect it deserves. Then I point out these gross misconceptions and re-texturize it in order to make the point that I am trying to present in the piece. I do not write porn I create Art.

     Sex to me is a form of art by God. When you look at the different levels of pleasure and passion, the different spots of arousal, the varying positions, not to mention the many diverse ways it can be introduced and interpreted sorry people that is art. And like any piece of fine art the creator wants it to be appreciated and taken care of. I know that when I pen a piece, no matter how simple, romantic or raunchy it is. I am showing my appreciation of the Art that my Daddy created and imitating it through the eyes of reality but never losing respect for it's power. So that is Why I write Erotictry... Next Question Please LOL I am so silly. Remember People You are Precious to someone because You are Precious to me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hearing from You

     I want to hear from you. The person who is reading this right know. I want your comments, questions, ideas and yes even your criticism. I desire your honesty. Now I know you can be an ass. Anyone can be an ass. But it takes a special person to put aside their natural asshoe-ness and give someone their real true honest no chaser opinion.  
I need you. yes you. To help me be a better me. Not that the me you get is not great and Awesome but there is always more that can better. And everyday I am seeking to be better Precious Tea.

     Who is Precious Tea well I will tell you. I am a poet and a writer, an indie author and promoter. I'm a auntie, a sister, a friend, I am the big girl who could dance and act in high school. I am Tiffany T Williams in my everyday. ttdwj on mocospace. and Precious Tea to the rest of the world. I am determined, talented, and full of hope. As I stated yesterday I believe in me. I will hold fast to this thing that I am pushing to be.

    So why do I need you? Because I am a storyteller. I just don't want to spout out my stories to the brick walls anymore. I need to share my stories, tell my stories and even let my stories give life to other stories. Come sit at my campfire and let me weave you a story. That's why you are so important.

    So come share with me. Don't be shy. I open myself up for you to say what every it is that you feel I need to hear. Feel free to go to my youtube page or even my like page. I can't wait.

 Remember as always You are Precious to someone because you are Precious to me.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015



May I have Drum Roll please.......................................................................... Ah Thank You

                             BIRTHDAY SHOES 

With this milestone I also want to announce That....

An E-short By Precious Tea

Is Coming June 21,2015

Available on an E-reader, Android, iPhone, iPad and even your PC or Laptop.
Set your calenders to get your copy and never forget

You're Precious to Someone cause you are Precious to Me

Busy Bee

     I know that I missed yesterday. I really wasn't trying to but life gets in the way sometimes. So that's what today's blog is going to be about. Being a Busy Bee. I am constantly, consistently running around trying to get my books of the ground . There is always so much going on. That is why I seek your help not because I am unwilling to put in the work, far from it. I want us as writers to support one another. I want to know the lessons you have learned as I pass down the lessons I am learning.

     Doing this, becoming an Indie Author is the single most important thing in my life right now. I devote my time and energy as while as my very limited finances towards accomplishing this. I am not seeking New York best selling author list (although one can dream) what I seek is to succeed in my own eyes. I want to know that when it's all said and done that I have put my best into a thing. That I did not give up, that I pushed until there was nothing left to push and I gave until there was nothing left to give. And whats funny is I really believe in myself.

     Saying that may sound weird or off but hear me out.  In your life I feel like there are defining moments that move you from one space in time towards another. These moments are shape by how you view yourself, the effort you place into it and or the favor of those who 'see you'. Take a singer for example he/she can have a golden voice, that moves and soothes the heart. But that voice has never left it's local church, basement/ garage band or whatever place that helped to hone it's perfect pitch. Then one day he/she gets an opportunity to be heard beyond what the know. They are confident but lack a certainty. They have faith but they see their faults. They are focus but lack maturity.  Then something happens, a word of encouragement, they see something more in their selves, they Wake with an epiphany, what every it may be, it sends them straight into a destiny changing position and life as they know it change.

     I believe we all have experienced this, maybe not full out but in parts. For when these moments happen, I know that those are the times when we believe we can fly and not just a small take off no, we soar through the clouds. We feel like we can conquer the world and so we do. We leave it all on the floor, we drop the mic, we close our eyes and tear up, we give one last bow then we exhale. Only to walk away knowing that it is finished.

    This is what I am working towards, if only within myself. I put myself out here so that you can either choose to join me and help. Or ignore me and walk away. Regardless of your choice I am going to still continue forward. For I believe that I will accomplish what I set out to become. I will stay a busy bee making my dream a reality. So Remember today that You are Precious to someone cause You are Precious to ME.   

Sunday, June 7, 2015

It's Novella To Me

      So I told you about 'Worth It' which is my first novel. Well today I am going to tell you about the world of Birthday Shoes.   This book is suppose to be a shoe lovers tease. Its descriptions of the many shoes is suppose to make a sensual shoe lover fantasize and feel each inch of shoe on their foot. While at the same time being a foot fetish fantasy. It has a true love of affair of feet. Yet that is not all, it's funny and silly plus insightful. The connection between the two main character is instant and sexy. It is truly just one of those story you know? It takes you to a fun place.

     Because I had already published 'Worth It' I wanted to give people more of me. It wasn't enough that you got a year in a half of my time, effort and talent. I needed to give more. So not only did I revamp Birthday Shoes but because part of the story was already available I made it a free book that can be downloaded from Smashwords or Nook.  Birthday Shoes is truly a gift from my heart. So if you have not gotten your Copy I will give you the links where can get it.

Don't Forget to like my page on  
There are question of the day and different up to date information available on this page. So come leave your comments, Share the statuses, and become apart of the family... Remember you are Precious to someone because you're Precious to ME!

Free book here

Barnes and

Saturday, June 6, 2015


     As You can read I am trying many facets to get myself out there. I really want people to enjoy the stories I weave and the poetry I pen. Plus I love connecting to people and creating a world they can get lost in, with characters they can empathize, sympathize, loathe, love and everything in between. What is a story with out good characters I mean I know if they are forgettable then to me so is the story. I still remember the first romance novel I read, characters and all. It was an instant favorite. I wish i still had it but I read it til he was falling apart and when gran found out that her 11y/d grandchild was reading 'that drivel' she threw it away. 

     There is still so much more for me to do and I hope that you will follow me on this journey. I invite you to be on the ground floor with me. The foundation is already set and there are a few builders doing construction but they need help to accomplish the ultimate goal. And that is to make Precious Tea Novels the best that it can be.

     With all this said, I truly hope you will follow me here on blogspot. Next if you have facebook come like my page just click here  After that look for me on twitter @precioustnovels. Then download your free copy of my erotic novella 'Birthday Shoes'  When that is all down look up my author page Til then I bid you Ado

Friday, June 5, 2015

Introduction ME on Youtube

      I have shown you my written work. Now I will share my recorded work.  I decided to make a Youtube channel dedicated to Chronicling my up and downs on this Indie Author Journey.  It's entitled 'The Indie Author In Me... Living out my Dreams'. I must admit I even say it wrong especially on video. Mainly because I'm nervous but I am also trying to figure out how i want to say what I want to say.

     Doing the Vlog or Video log was also my way of trying to reach a broader audience. My willingness to put my self out there was sole based on this fact. Basically either I will be ignored or someone would hear me. I want to be heard but that can not happened until I put my heart on the line. This is my dream coming to true. I know with my whole heart that the strides I am putting into this will be well 'Worth it'..  So Here it is the First Video.....Enjoy
      Oh By the Way the fourth installment is ready to few I will share them here but I wanted to get you started. Please feel free to comment and also come like my page Click here for easy access... Bye Bye til later


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Hello To 'Worth It'

     Good Morning all.  Over the past few days I have been sharing pieces of my writings. Hoping that by sharing those poetic pieces that you will get a glimpse of who I am as a writer. Now I want you to get to know me as an Indie Author, so today I will be discussing 'Worth It'.
      'Worth It' is my first full novel. It started out as a blog on mocospace just like most of my other pieces. Yet it was created from a different place. My sister asked me to create her a story, she did not give me any dimensions she said 'just write'. So I did and it blossomed into something much more powerful then just a short piece of work. The more I put into it the more it became this swirling dynamic story that is bigger then any short story I have ever written. With it being motivated by a promise I made my sister I continued writing although I knew that it was much more. Soon though she recognized it and so did others. There became this demand for it to become a novel. But I had no idea how to accomplish this feet.

     Without my knowledge others who supported me and my writing begin researching self publishing and the different platforms it can be done on. But I have to admit I was not thinking on those lines. As far as I was concern it was my sisters property, I was just the artist behind it. So if it became a book it was up to her. Little did I know she was in complete agreeance  with the concept, she herself had be doing her own research and there begin 'Worth It' The Novel.

     That is the story of how 'Worth It' became a novel in a nutshell.  In many ways writing this book was my saving grace and I appreciate all the motivation to make it the best that it could be. Which in turn helped me to accomplish one of my long desired dreams. I hope that you will continue to come along this journey with me.

Hey by the way come like me on Worth It The Novel Feel free to answer questions and leave comments. 


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Induction Erotictry ............. WE MADE

     So far you have seen me in different ways and today I am going to show you the naughty freaky side of me.. Now I am warning you from the jump it is graphic and explicit. I am an Adult and I write for other adults... If you are not 18 years or older please vacate from this blog.....

     Ok I have told you that I am also know as TTDWJ on mocospace. for those who this is their first blog with me. On the I write Erotictry. Which is a combination of Erotica and Poetry... So as before I will share one of my pieces from there but this will be the last one. I just wanted you to get a feel for me and what I do. So without Further Ado I present................


Firework Sex
I mean explosions everywhere
like drip down so vicious
cum raining everywhere
got me so messed up
I'm left speechless in this bitch
was not expecting you to
putting it on me like this

I'm a veteran in this shit
a legend among commons
and you my young stallion
was just fresh out the box
so How did you have me
screaming yelling cussing
and gushing like Niagara Falls
My nutting song echoing
in every space

Age ain't nothing but a number
but boy I had miles on me
you road me like a New Bugatti
when I had 74 Ford stamped on me
you put sleek new curves on me
had me drag racing towards ecstasy

You were Tupac to my Anita Baker
and together We made music
the Jazz beat was my up and down
and the gangsta was your beat it loud
I was like the snare drum and trumpet
steady rhythmic and loud
And were the mixing board and keys
repeat tempo run through switch beat
play back record play back
Our track was nice and long
I loved the sound of our song

but See I have a son who's near your age
and an ex who fills me with rage
but I love how we do
You me, We made New
excited different
New awesome things
We Made.... 
May 19, 2014

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Petitie Erotic...... Without You

Ok yesterday I gave you a little bit of my poetic side. Now I'm going to introduce you truly to my sexyself, this is one of my Sensual Pieces. It is not my Erotictry as many of my others are, but it's well... You be the Judge... I Present to you,,,,,


Lazy sitting, crossing lines, out my mind 
Streaming like rain on flower petals grow. 
I try to seduce the urge to cry out furiously in sweet repetition of your passionate kisses. 
Wondering if I spoke words so eloquent, well versed in love as a language, would you even understand the depth of my feelings. 
Regurgitating, spilling over is my desire for 
Only your touch, 
To breath in 
Only your words 
To have you whisper as ecstasy spills its seed in the verbiage of love 
Yeah I, I'm blindsided with a punch of pure want to my gut 
Mesmerizing myself with fantasy after fantasy of how you 
Fill me up, how you 
Stretch me out and how hieroglyphics appear on my walls ever time you're granted entry
I realize too late that I need you 
like air
like water
like love
I need you, like breath, like bone, like blood. 
I need you like creation, like.shape, like spirit. 
I need you like me, like you, like me. 
Now I'm forever lost not wanting to be found without.................................You. 
written Jul 24, 2013 on

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sharing of Myself... Words

     With All that I do I seek to share myself. So I decided to share on of my favorite Pieces. It was Originally posted to my TTDWJ blog on Mocospace. So let me present to you WORDS.

I have words that have yet to be spoken, paragraphs unwritten, concept un-thought
I have ideas not planned and dreams not dreamt.
I have fantasies yet to be fantasized and I have love that has not been passed out or given, lust still building and trembling passion to be explored then tasted.
I have definitions to define and letters in need of rhyme
I have beats that need focus and staccatos that need verses
I still have juices that need flowing and lyrics that need humming
I moving at the speed of light and I need rest, to slow to take my time and take inventory
I need freedom to dance to breath to give life and to sing
and I need touch

I have spaces that has yet to be filled, periods that need to be placed at the end.
Sentences that need to make sense and subjects that have not been discovered
I'm still learning and growing and years don't matter when you still like a child
seeing the world with new eyes cause rose colored glasses have been ripped
away and reality decided to stay and play.
I have romance that needs to be created and I have lips that need to be kissed and a fire that burns for the intangible spirit that lives breath and gives meaning

I still have words, like ecstasy and destiny and purpose that are waiting on me
to rise and fly to them embrace them and know them to be one with and in them
I have beauty yet to see, joy yet to capture and character that needs to be built
so much more to me then mire randomness of thoughts, feelings and concepts
there is still more of me to pass out, give out. release and learn about to show
and reveal and more then that to place upon paper like a sword to a samurai
punctuating all till there is wholeness in verbiage and silence.
Echoing through the resistance that bring ignorance the lack of understand and low tolerance. I still have consonants to become alphabet to mix with vowels and then get capitalized to become prose and bridges and synonyms and antonyms to collide then...

Even when it's over and they have sought and became power believing
that every sound-out letter has that ability to create and destroy
my ending is my beginning with word

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Found on Google

I am google-able people.... So Look me up. my beautiful works of literary art are available for you to find. Just type in the search bar Precious Tea Author and there I am. I am so happy but this is only the beginning. But guess what I still need you. All of you bloggers, writers, readers, editors and reviewers we are each others greatest support or at least we can be. I will read, review and support as many as I can but I first have to meet you. So come on and get your bid in. Let this be the start of a beautiful relationship.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Online Me

Hey everyone!! It's me again. I know right, so soon. Well anyway, Welcome to my attempt at letting you get to know me a little better. As for some, you just might remember me from back in the day.  When I first started Blogging, I was on this wonderful website called Myspace, where my name was Pandorasenchantment.  But as time wore on I moved on to new and better sites, such as Shout out to my Moco Blog Fam!!!! There I am the steamy Erotictry writer TTDWJ. Erotictry stands for erotic poetry for you folks new to the game. And finally my journey has brought me here on Facebook where I am your Urban and Erotica Novelist, Precious Tea. If you are on Facebook, come drop by, and like my Page There you will get to talk with me and get information About "Worth It" and "Worth It Too", as well as other Titles written by me including my Free Erotic Novella Birthday Shoes available on So that is the Online me,in all my Glory. Love me, leave me or need me, either way it goes know that it will all be Worth It.....

Hello from Me, Precious Tea

So I am trying this site out getting a feel for how this will help me promote my Novels and my Poetry. I really want to create a fan base of great readers and writers who are supportive and encouraging. If this is you Then add me and let's see what marvelous fun we can have together...