Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Purposed......... Being in My Zone

     There are so many things that one can do with their lives as technology grow and sickness continue. While life as we know it grows, transforms and starts anew. One question has burned fresh in the hearts of those who seek it diligently and even those who run and hide or deny that it exists. Purpose that sometimes elusive feeling of peace or knowledge that at this moment, in this place I am doing exactly what I am suppose to be doing. Be it small or be it large I am in my zone.

     Finding purpose is at times very hard. For in the midst of searching one has to live life.  I am honest in my experience Life can kick your ass and unless your purpose is the be the heavy bag for life to kick and punch at, its hard to feel any peace. Yet when you find it I can say that it is the most awesome feeling. I have felt this in many ways over the years and I can tell you that once you feel it, once you know it you will always want to have it.

     I can remember my first few taste of it. I was about 10 or 11y/d and my cousins and I were bored so I decided (as the oldest girl) that we should play school. I was the Teacher (of Course) and they my little pupil. I can see myself standing in front of them writing on the chalk board giving knowledge just like my teachers gave me. Yes it felt it then, had no Idea what it was but I can say that I felt it. However that wasn't my first time I was about 7 when I got my first hint of the wonders of purpose.

     My family are music lovers so at any given time of the day you can hear music playing loudly. It was even said you could hear my grandmothers turntable system from a block away. This one particular day family flooded my gran's house (which was a normality) the card table was taken out, food was purchased and us kids was sent out to find what ever entertainment or adventure we could find. (That didn't lead us to danger) I was a different kid most would say that I was a grown woman in an baby's body,  (Coincidentally the say the same thing now only in reverse LOL) regardless of the reasoning I stayed around the adults. Now I was a singing and dancing child, (I still am) I would preform at the drop of a hat. In the comfort of my bed room where I thought no one would hear me. Yet I decided that I was about to have my debut. I sung my little 7 year old heart out to the Dramatics "Give a Toast To the Fool. Yup I felt it then too.

   It has been a long time since I have felt this level of purpose. That all consuming this can change your life type feeling. And I am running with it this time. I need my life to change for the better. That's why I am seeking help from so many.  If you knew that you could help someone fulfill their purpose would you? If you knew that you were able to add to persons life and dreams would you? Sometimes one has to be in  a position to help; but other times the help that is needed is simple and focused, easily done with just a click of the mouse on a like page. Or just as quick as taking a selfie.  I'm in my Zone people. I am poised and ready to move to my chosen destiny. I am Purposed to be this Indie Author. My hope is that you will soon partner with me and then we can do this together.

So Remember You are Precious to someone cause You are Precious To Me


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